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Linear Equations


    All Topics - Mixed Review
    Parallel and Perpendicular
    Standard Form

All Topics - Mixed Review:
Name Type Description Funsheet Key Standard Key
Graph Paper Standard Graph paper. Funsheet is one 10x10 grid, Funsheet Key is four 10x10 grids, Standard is nine 10x10 grids and Standard Key is twelve 6x6 grids.
Graphing equations Stained Glass Activities Only 8 equations (more would have been too cluttered). Students will graph both standard form and slope-intercept.
Graphing Linear Equations Standard Students will graph slope-intercept, standard and point-slope.
Linear Equation Word Find Word Find Vocabulary review on words related to graphing linear equations. Same as crossword, just different format.
Linear Equations Crossword Crossword Vocabulary review on words related to graphing linear equations.
Linear Equations: 3 forms of Foldable Idea for foldable of slope-intercept, standard and point-slope.
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Parallel and Perpendicular:
Name Type Description Funsheet Key Standard Key
Slope of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Quotes Students will find slope only of parallel and perpendicular lines.
Writing Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Standard Students will write both standard and slope-intercept equations.
Writing Equations of Parallel Lines 1 Riddle Given line and point. No transformation required.
Writing Equations of Parallel Lines 2 Riddle Given line and point. Some transformation required.
Writing Equations of Perpendicular Lines Riddle Given line and point. No transformation required.
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Name Type Description Funsheet Key Standard Key
Graphing Point Slope Standard Students will graph the line given a point and slope. 12 problems.
Point-Slope to Slope-Intercept Standard Given a point and slope, students will write the point-slope equation and convert to slope-intercept.
Write Equation Given Two Points Riddle Given two points, students will write slope-intercept equation.
Writing Slope-Intercept Equations from 2 Points Pair-Share Write slope intercept equation from 2 points. Answers match in each row. Use as partner activity or as self-check for individual work.
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Name Type Description Funsheet Key Standard Key
Missing Coordinate Slope Riddle Students will find missing coordinate for given slope.
Rate of Change Tables Standard Given tables, students will find rate of change.
Slope from a Graph 1 (Basic) Standard Basic. Students will state whether slope is pos, neg, zero or undefined only.
Slope from a Graph 2 Standard State the slope given a graph. 12 problems. Includes 0 slope.
Slope from a Graph 3 Standard Students will find the slope of the sides of figures drawn on coordinate plane.
Slope from two points 1 Color Pattern Determine slope given two points.
Slope from two points 2 Riddle Determine slope given two points.
Slope from two points hangman Game Given two points, students will determine the slope.
Slope from two points Partners Pair-Share Answers match in each row except for 2. Great for partner work (the unmatching answers keeps them from copying each others answers) OR as a self check for individual practice.
Slope Review Standard Students will identify the slope from graphs, tables, ordered pairs and equations.
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Name Type Description Funsheet Key Standard Key
Backwards graphing slope-intercept Standard Given graph, write the slope intercept equation.
Backwards graphing slope-intercept 2 Standard Given graph, write the slope intercept equation.
Graphing slope-intercept Standard Graph slope-intercept equations. No equation transformation required.
Graphing slope-intercept 2 Standard Graph slope-intercept equations. Includes horizontal and vertical lines. No equation transformation required.
Graphing slope-intercept 3 Standard Graph slope-intercept equations. Equation transformation required.
Graphing slope-intercept with some horizontal and vertical lines. Riddle Given an equation of a line (slope-intercept form), students will graph the equation. No equation transformation required.
Identifying slope and y-intercept 1 Riddle No transformation required. Identify m and b only.
Identifying slope and y-intercept 2 Riddle Transformation required. Identify m and b only.
Identifying slope and y-intercept 3 Sudoku All m and b are positive integers. Some equation transformation required.
Linear Equations BALLOONS Activities Students will write equations and graph lines that will pop all the balloons.
Linear Equations GOLF Activities Given a point (golf ball) and target (golf cup), students determine the slope-intercept equation that will hit the ball into the target.
Slope-Intercept from 2 Points hangman Game Given two points, students will write the slope-intercept equation of the line.
Transforming equations to slope intercept Standard Transforming (standard)equations to slope intercept.
Transforming equations to slope intercept 2 Standard Students will transform equations to slope-intercept. Fraction operations required for some.
Writing Slope-Intercept Equations 1 Standard Students will write slope-intercept equation given m and b.
Writing Slope-Intercept Equations 2 Standard Students will match given m and b with its slope-intercept equation.
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Standard Form:
Name Type Description Funsheet Key Standard Key
Finding x and y intercepts 1 Riddle No transformation required. Find x and y-intercepts only.
Finding x and y intercepts 2 Quotes No transformation required. Find x and y-intercepts only.
Finding x and y intercepts 3 Riddle Transformation required. Find x and y-intercepts only. Decimals and fractions in equations.
Graphing standard form 1 Standard No transformation required. 12 graphs.
Graphing standard form 2 Standard Transformation required. 12 graphs.
Graphing standard form 3 Riddle Matching. Some only have one intercept on the graph.
Slope-intercept, standard and graph matching cards Activities Students will match graphs with standard and slope-intercept equation. Meant to be cut out, but formatted so it can be used as standard worksheet.
Standard to slope-intercept matching cards Activities Students will convert standard to slope-intercept. Cards need to be cut. Matching.
Transform slope-intercept to standard Riddle Students will transform slope-intercept equations to standard form. All fraction problems.
Transforming equations to standard Riddle Students will transform equations to standard form. BASIC, no fractions in problems.