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    Adding and Subtracting
    All Topics - Mixed Review
    Multiplying and Dividing

Name Type Description Funsheet Key Standard Key
Adding Integers - Alphabet Integers Acitvity Given integer values for letters, students are asked to find various things that have greatest value. Best as a group, but can be done individually. Change "greatest" to "least" for variation.
Adding Integers 1 Riddle Add 2 integers, values < 20
Adding Integers 2 Magic Squares Complete the squares so that the sum of each row and column in each square add up to the same number. Requires adding 3 numbers.
Adding Integers 3 Trivia Add up to 3 integers. All integer values < 20
Adding Integers 4 Riddle Add 4 integers. Integer values <= 100
Adding Integers 5 Activity Race to top pyramid. Add two single or double digit integers. Pyramid format. Use as class race activity to see who gets the top number first or give top number as self-check.
Adding Integers Square Puzzle Challenge Given sums, find the addends. Funsheet is challenge. Standard has one block filled in so it can be used as practice.
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Adding and Subtracting:
Name Type Description Funsheet Key Standard Key
Adding and Subtracting 1 Line Designs Single digit integers.
Adding and Subtracting 2 Game Mostly single digit. Hangman.
Adding and Subtracting 3 Riddle Add and subtract two double digit integers.
Adding and Subtracting 4 Riddle Add and subtract up to 4 integers, values < 100
Adding and Subtracting 5 Riddle First half of w/s is addition, second half is subtraction. Integers values <= 75.
One Hundred Problem Drill Standard 100 problems. Integer values < 20. Made for the advanced students who can finish in under 5 minutes - make it a fun contest if you find yourself with an extra 10 minutes at the end of the period!
Sum and Difference Find Number Find Like a word find, but with integers. Students will find integer addition and subtraction facts.
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All Topics - Mixed Review:
Name Type Description Funsheet Key Standard Key
All Integer Operations Riddle 25 problems, division in fraction notation only.
All Integer Operations Color Pattern Color Pattern 32 mixed integer operations.
All Integer Operations Minion Color by Number For the advanced student, almost 150 calculations required to finish.
All Integer Operations Word Problems Riddle 12 integer word problems.
Product Sum Diamonds Standard Find sum and product of two integers, diamond format.
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Name Type Description Funsheet Key Standard Key
Dividing Integers 1 Riddle Both fraction and division symbol notation. Basic single digit division.
Dividing Integers 2 Riddle Both fraction and division symbol notation. Up to 3 digit integers.
Dividing Integers 3 Wheel Wheel format.
Dividing Integers 4 Color by Number Panda Larger (but easy) int values. 20 problems.
Dividing Integers 5 Riddle Larger integer values.
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Name Type Description Funsheet Key Standard Key
Multiplying Integers 1 Color by Number Butterfly Multiply 2 integers, values < 15.
Multiplying Integers 2 Color by Number Batman Robin For the advanced student, over 100 computations required.
Multiplying Integers 3 Riddle Multiply up to 4 integers.
Multiplying Integers 4 Riddle Multiply 4 integers. Integer values < 15.
Multiplying Integers 5 Riddle Multiply two integers, most are double digit values.
Multiplying Integers BINGO Game Class set of 32 pre-filled mini bingo cards for multiplying integers. Answer Key has values to call out (teacher makes up own multiplication problems for each value).
Multiplying Integers Square Puzzle Challenge Given products, find the factors.
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Multiplying and Dividing:
Name Type Description Funsheet Key Standard Key
Muliplying and Dividing 1 Color by Number Minion Over 100 calculations required.
Muliplying and Dividing 2 Riddle Basic
Muliplying and Dividing 3 Riddle Mostly single operation. A few have 3 or 4 operations required.
Multiplying and Dividing 4 Game Connect4. Multiply and Divide more than two integers. Some decimals. Funsheet game is NOT the best format, but I'm keeping it posted since the standard worksheet is a workable option.
Product and Quotient Find Number Find Like a word find, but with integers. Students will find integer multiplication and division facts.
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Name Type Description Funsheet Key Standard Key
Subtracting Integers 1 Riddle Integer values <= 15
Subtracting Integers 2 Color by Number Cat Integer values <= 15
Subtracting Integers 3 Cut and Paste Matching but formatted so students could also write letter of the matching answer. Standard is same format(with different problems) but with three extra answers. Integer values <= 12
Subtracting Integers 4 Riddle Subtract double digit integers.
Subtracting Integers 5 Riddle Three digit integers.